
Reactpsn 3.20 tutorial
Reactpsn 3.20 tutorial

reactpsn 3.20 tutorial

You also want to create a folder called "exdata" and have all your rap and edat files you want to activate in it. all u need is your ps3 IDPS (make copy of flash using multiman then open ps3tools by aldo you will see "get ps3 id" open that and drag/drop your copy of flash into it save IDPS in dat folder) and act.dat (get it in multiman press select and start its in HDD0\home\exdata\ user account) and move act.dat into data folder. R2r editor is easy it allows you to "re write" security for rap files. click save and on the next screen click the "here" icon to restart ps3. i like webman cause it lets you spoof (a different) IDPS/PSID (which is what gets banned by sony) at startup (also check off the disable levl box under idps/psid settings). Ip address (192.168.1.xx) and port (38008) there are 2 lines for 2 addresses. scroll down till you see "ip" you will want to put your computers (the cpu with your games on it)


once you install webman (put the sprx file in hdd0) go into webman setup/ webman setup and you will see lots of options. Webman allows for spoofing IDPS/PSID, loading games from lan, fan control amongst other things. X:SHARED_DIR\GAMES (ps3iso, pspiso,dvdiso ect.) when it comes up there are spaces for your share folders (c:SHARED_DIR) and there respective ports. after you install right click on the icon and "run as administrator". you can use it to stream your backups from pc to ps3 (which means no need to store games, movies, other things on your ps3 also can install pkg files from). Ps3netsrv is the server (computer sever) side of the ps3.

  • ps3netsrv (serving games over lan) ( ps3netsrv.zip from deank / ps3netserv-bins.zip linux binaries from hekel).

    this is the bare minimum, meaning im only touching on how to get the various programs working while not going into too much detail (just enough to get things working). This is my first tut so bare with me (especially since im touching on alot of issues).

    reactpsn 3.20 tutorial

    Ok here it goes (from my thread on ): ReActPSN, PSNPatch, WebMAN, Rap2Rif and PS3Netsrv Tutorial

    Reactpsn 3.20 tutorial